
Showing posts from January, 2023

You are Loved by someone incredibly | Do you realize?

YOU ARE LOVED! Yes, you read it right! Believe me! My dear sister, who is reading it at this very moment, consider it for yourself.   ( The first addressee is my nafs) You are loved by a secret lover.  Every day and every night, you do not even realize someone is waiting for your repentance. Someone is taking care of every minute thing of you, whether you are aware or not.  Someone loved you yesterday and loves you still. Always have and always will.  We, humans, spend our whole lives searching for true love. Movies, novels, songs, everything revolves around love. But, guess what? You already got a secret lover.  You desire to be loved. Don't you? Yes. Exactly! Every human being wants to be loved.  And when someone is loving you and caring for you, you don't even acknowledge it? While your secret lover is none other than your creator, your sustainer Allah! The king of kings. The creator of the entire world.  It is impossible to overestimate how much Allah loves you. It's th