
Showing posts from October, 2023

"You won Ghaza!" (An imaginative Journey and Letter ๐Ÿ’Œ)

Dear Ghaza!  With the wings of imagination, I soared towards your soil, Ghaza. But as soon as my vision met with your land, a turbulent sea of crimson greeted me, a sight that tore at my heart.  The poignant and pungent smell confirmed that it was none other than blood.  Blood in all its possible tragic forms.  The blood of innocent children robbed of their laughter and play. The blood of women, their beautiful smiles, and their longings for their future were cruelly extinguished.  The blood of men who should be dreaming of brighter tomorrows. The blood of elders who should be witnessing the joy of their loved ones.   And even the blood of infants who've not yet stepped out in this harsh world.  Oh, Dear Ghaza, that vivid, scarlet river told me stories of stolen innocence, shattered dreams, and unfulfilled wishes.  It cried out, narrating tales of oppression, transgression, brutality, and above all inhumanity.  The crimson tears of this blood spoke of the profound suffering and un