My Hijab Story | An intriguing and inspirational tale


"I won't let you come with me if you wear this burqa. Understood?"
Mrs. Khan fixed her brown furious gaze at the 12-year-old girl who was insistent on wearing a burqaa and beginning Hijab.
After being unable to convince her father, she was trying to persuade her mother. She was pretty sure that her mother would definitely support her. It was none other than her mother who taught her to wear a head scarf at an early age, even with criticism from people.
But, oh no!
Her mother's statement was like an arrow from the heavens that sent the earth trembling in terror and shaking her feet.
With faltering steps and a heavy heart, she decided to try the tool of last resort and stood before her Merciful Lord. She prayed to Allah that if you want me to do hijab, then make me steadfast on it from this very day. Help me now. Please!
When she moved her head to the left reciting "Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullah", a strong and confident girl woke up inside her.
Folding the prayer mat, she said politely in a confident voice:
"Mother, I will do the hijab, inshaAllah. If you take me with you, I'll be grateful. Otherwise, I am not leaving without a burqa. "
Mrs. Khan's gentle nature and need to take the girl with her played a role.
So she surrendered saying:
"Let's go today. But it should never happen next time."
"Aww, thank you so much, Ammi"
Hugging her mother tightly she quickly slipped into her burqa, like a princess pouring herself into her long dress. She crowned her hair with a hijab, leaning forward to the mirror. As her vision swam to the mirror, she caught the reflection of a brightening pearl in its shell. She blinked.

This time, in the midst of its thorns, a red rose blushed. 

"Wow, is it me?" she whispered with curiosity.
A moon smiled back at her, shielded behind its clouds.
"Yes, little girl! There is no one more beautiful than a girl who attains hijab for the pleasure of her Allah. She is a rare & precious diamond that can't be found easily, a beaming pearl in its shell, a rose protected by thorns, and a moon covered by clouds."
An imaginative voice soothed her ears and soul.
Swelling with happiness, she adorned herself with socks and gloves as well.
Her hijab covered her body but opened her mind to the greater beauty that is Allah's.  
During the journey, a strange incident happened that jolted the roots of Mrs. Khan.
An old man, likely in his nineties, was thrilled to see her in that way and couldn't resist patting her on the head with trembling hands. And said:
"Oh Daughter! I am very glad to see you in this condition in this era, because otherwise, women have completely neglected the hijab."
And giving many blessings, he left while Mrs. Khan remained numb with tears springing into her eyes.
No sooner did they return home than she held her daughter in a warm and tight embrace. She apologized for her rude behavior and promised to support her fully. 
That's when the Hijabi journey started. While she received encouraging words from some people, A lot overwhelmed her with a barrage of taunts and insults. Someone would tease, "You are going to be crazy soon" some would say "She is a small child now, why did you put her behind curtains?" Another voice would echo, "Hey, Does Islam ask you to hide from your cousin too with whom you have spent your childhood?" Someone said teasingly, "Now in a few years, you will going to hide from your father also."
"Hey look! Here comes the Mullani" and so on.
These criticisms would cause her delicate heart to ache sweetly. She would say, "Come on, let me suffer something for Allah."
Someone's voice would echo in her mind: "Sister, our prophet suffered a lot for us. Can't we bear some taunts for him?"
So, she would feel a "special pleasure" in suffering for Allah and his beloved prophet peace be upon him.
Sometimes, a few taunts would make her misty-eyed. And once in a while, she burst into tears.
But there is beauty in being rejected by people. It teaches you to rely on Allah for everything.
Allah Ta'ala has extended His help on various occasions. Which, if written, might become a booklet. Now, thanks to Allah's mercy, my parents are more than happy with my hijab and support me strongly.
Despite criticism, the hijabi journey continues with Allah's mercy and the support of loved ones. May Allah grant steadfastness.
Hey there!
How was my story? Did you find it interesting?
Feel free to comment below with your valuable feedback.
My message to the sisters is that it does not matter where you are at in your hijab journey, it still counts. Keep improving day by day for your Merciful Allah! He doesn't waste a single good deed done for him.
See you soon in the next post!


  1. MashaAllah BarakAllah fikum ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿคฒ๐Ÿป

  2. MashaAllah... Lovely ๐ŸŒน Jazakallah khair ๐Ÿคฒ

    1. Mashallah barakallahufikum Allah sab ko hidayat dai

  3. Ma Sha Allah it's fabulous

  4. Ma Shaa Allah Lovely

  5. Masha Allah Barakallahu feehi, beautifully written ❤️ n presented, May Allah swt make this an inspiration for our coming new u hijabi

  6. MashaAllah
    Beautiful write up. Keep going. Bloom wherever you are planted. And Spread Goodness.

  7. Nice post, Ma sha Allah.

    Loved this line - “But there is beauty in being rejected by people. It teaches you to rely on Allah for everything.”

  8. loved it ๐Ÿ’•


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