Finally, I found LOVE! ๐Ÿ’• (A heartwarming poem)

I hunted for the stars, chased fluffy clouds, 
Mining earth's depth where secrets shroud.

I even cast nets in the vast realms of the sea, 
In search of the missing puzzle piece inside me.

I sought hues to complete my vibrant rainbow, 
Without it, life appears a dead, haunting volcano.

As the skies queried, "What drives you so crazy?"

Earth echoed, "You're still young, take it easy!"

Oh, wish you'd know, a fire's been 

burning within me, stinging like a bee, 

Since I embarked on the magical train 

of adolescence and met 'Ms. Puberty'.

Unbeknownst to them, my heart smolders, 

Embers of longing amid my fragile shoulders.

An inferno of desire breaks my ribs,

A plea, "Set me free" escapes my lips. 

So listen, oh ignorant,

I'm in pursuit of love!

To soothe my baffled soul, 

with its warm glove. 

I seek a beloved who settles my tangled heart, 
Like an ocean lull the shore, its sweetheart.

All of a sudden, the cloud veiled the moon out of the blue,

A breeze tickled me, murmuring, "Someone's behind you!"

Startled, I turned around and squinted,

There it was - an ethereal presence, gracefully seated. 

An enchanting aroma engulfed me from above. 

Like petals unfurl when winds gently rove.

It was love! 
Wallahi, it was love. 

Right before my searching eyes,

In the structure where my home lies. 

In my mother's radiant smile, an angel in disguise;

The pools of affection, her coffee-stained eyes. 

In the embrace of her lap, my heaven of comfort;

In the womb that wove tales of unbearable pain and hurt.

In her roller pin, she used to shape chapatis and,

Correcting my mistakes, using it as a tool unplanned.

In my father's hair kissed by a moonlit hue, 

Each strand whispers wisdom and endurance he went through.

In the sagging skin draping his once striking face,

In the depth of the dark circles under his dimly lit gaze.

In the wear and tear adorning his hand,

Amid the curls of his beard, my heart got tangled. 

In the spirit of my brother, mischievous, dear.

A buzzing mosquito, teasing in my ear. 

Nestled on his left cheek, a dimple like a crescent moon,

Cast a spell upon me with its mellifluous tune. 

In the innocent twirl of my sister's pearly white frock, 

Her laughter like a stream and, oh, that wavy lock.

In the warmth of home, by the crackling stove, 

In this sphere, spinning globe; from the stars above, 

Smiled at me, the great, the sublime "Love". 

So finally, 

Right before my searching eyes,

In the structure where my home lies,

I found love!

Now, like Mr. Darcy, I propose to my family, my beloved,

"You've bewitched my heart and every essence of my soul". 

And then I contemplated for once,

The architect of my loved ones.

Who painted Mother's eyes with a vivid brown hue?

Who sculpted her womb, crafting life anew?

Whose divine hand gifted wisdom to my father's core?

And bestowed upon my li'l one a stunning allure?

Who fashioned the rustling leaves and the blooming flowers?

And wove the veins of rivers, the tapestry of deserts where sunlight showers?

Only then did I realize it was He all along - Al Wadud,

Whose love surpasses that of seventy mothers combined.

The love I desperately sought was ever-present,

In every sign of Him, whispers of His love, pure and sweet.

"Oh Allah, I love thee!

To you, I humbly flee!"



Which line did you like the most or least, dear reader?

Feel free to share your precious feedback on my debut poem in the comment section below๐ŸŒŸ


  1. Emotionally Resonant ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ‘Œ

  2. Very beautiful and heart touching ❤️ Mashallah TabarakAllah ๐Ÿ˜‡

  3. Beautiful ! So well written MashaAllah ๐Ÿ‘ one gets lost in the words, in the world of imagination ❤️

  4. Your poetic prowess shines through Masha Allah!

  5. Yes It is fantastic and exquisite poetry. ๐Ÿ’–

    MashaALLAH ♥️

  6. Subhan Allah
    All lines are fantastic it's very difficult to choose one line๐Ÿ’—


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