Surprise Book Review!

 With a heavy heart and tearful eyes, I closed the book pdf. Moving it to the "Books I've recently read" folder, I felt like letting go of an old friend. This beautiful book journey, which began with goosebumps, ended with tears.

But wait,  

Which book?

The book adorned with these mesmerizing lines:

"People lived because she killed.

People died because he lived"


One. Two. Three.


Uh-huh, it is none other than:


A page-turning, magical fantasy filled with action and adventure written by the renowned Hijabi American author Hafsa Faizal. 

Image copyright - Hafsa Faizal

The fact that one of us has written a New York Times bestseller is a great honor for Muslim girls, especially Niqabis!

It was almost 2 years ago that I got to know this book. A fantasy with an Arabian setting, written by a hijabi, I couldn't dream of more!

Thus, I was super excited to read it, but to my disappointment, it wasn't available as a PDF then, or I couldn't find it.

Eventually, I listened to Hafsa's interviews and was blown away by her talent, brilliance, and dedication. She is a source of inspiration for the whole Muslim bookish community. And for me, she is a star!


You can imagine my excitement when I discovered a pdf of the "We hunt the flame" series online in November 2022 while "hunting" for some "fancy reads". Having fulfilled a long-time desire, my happiness was beyond words. I was just elated.

The thirst for reading books never ends. It gets worse with time. The more books you read, the more driven you become to seek out more.  

Since I've been holding back my feelings about this book for two months, I'm overwhelmed by a lot of emotions right now. So, dear readers :) fasten the seatbelts!
It's time for pouring out feelings in words!

There is so much to discover in this "tour-de-force" including unforgettable characters (with tragic backstories), a riveting plot, rich word-building, lyrical prose, an intriguing mystery, and loads of adventure.

Reading the first gripping line, I dived deeply and ecstatically into the world of Arawiya, the magical land. The story captivated me from beginning to end. And guess what, it took about 14 hours to return with a load of lessons.


I felt like being in the back seat, observing and feeling every sensation, and riding the bumpy roller coaster with "Zafira" the young legendary huntress who is forced to disguise herself as a man (hunter). The one of her name - brave, courageous, and confident from head to toe.

I admire her bravery against enemies, her loyalty to her friends, her steadfast attitude in spite of distractions, and most of all, her determination to achieve her goal (returning lost magic to her land, Arawiya).

Being a "DAAIRA" (human compass) she embarks on a quest to find the lost "JAWARAT" a book that will lift the curse off Arawiya and restore magic. It's on her delicate shoulders now, whether she can save or destroy her land, Arawiya.

Likewise, on the opposite side, the Prince of Death, Nasir (a powerful, yet vulnerable character) is sent by his autocratic father, "The Sultan," on the same high-risk mission of finding the book in the brutal desert and even killing the hunter (i.e. huntress Zafira).

The story takes on a life of its own as a great deal of tension builds.

Several impressive side characters step into the vicious desert:

Kifah- the committed warrior; Altair the ball of sunshine and the hilarious and charming general with his rib-tickling talks; Ben Yamin the wise, philosophical, and experienced scholar. (I suspected him as a secret villain all along- Poor Ben Yamin! Because. I've scrutinized Holmes' and Christie's for quite some time LOL :)

They find themselves on the same quest and form a temporary and uneasy alliance. At the same time, many dangers await them impatiently, equipped to attack them at once as their journey begins!

How will things turn out? How long will it take for the book to be discovered? Who will find it first? How will they work as a Zumrah (team)? Who is the main villain? The spine-chilling mystery just keeps unraveling!


I must confess, I approached the book with sky-high hopes. And to be honest, the first half was worth it. I was highly optimistic during the first 250 pages of the book despite its crawling pace.

But then things begin to get a little shaky - In the desert the story wanders so much that the reader loses sight of what is happening and why we are here.

Zafira was so relatable while the complicated character of the male lead "Nasir" irked me in a way. I found it unfair to sympathize with him at the beginning. I am so sorry if I sounded rude. I didn't mean it, but that's what I felt.

I'm a selective reader. I often have difficulty finding a book that suits my tastes. That's why it shouldn't surprise you when I say I was a bit disappointed by the end. Its slow and lengthy pace wasn’t worth the time. I mean, the plot was amazing but it could have been better.

My overall impression is that there were things I liked and loved, however, there were also things I disliked.


  • Cliffhangers at the end of each chapter

  • The great tension building.

  • Descriptive writing.

  • Character's emotions and development.

  • Most of all, it's full of fascinating quotes.

“There was nothing more respectable and dangerous than a woman of confidence.”

-“Knowledge without action is vanity, but action without knowledge is insanity."

"Emotions don't define us, it's what you do with them that's important" (259)

"The world has no right sitting on your shoulders, yet you've given it more than you will ever owe" 

"My girl will wield weapons, and she will wield them well, for it takes a special kind of courage to hold power and know when not to use it"

And a lot more!

  • Simultaneous scenes with different POVs and each with a different voice. It's not a piece of cake. Seriously. As an aspiring writer, I can assure you.

  • Arabic terms were woven elegantly into English lyrical and philosophical prose.

  • The living and breathing atmosphere of the book!

Ultimately, I am flabbergasted by Sister Hafsa's imagination and writing style. BarakAllahu feehaa.


I brought plenty of gems and pearls with me when I returned from this ocean. Some are:

  • Ambition, Bravery, Confidence, Determination = Zafira bint Iskandar

  • Sisterhood = Yasmine

  • Dedication, and team building = The Zumra

  • Laughing in the face of death = General Altair (the liar :)

  • Service to mankind, kindness, love = Lana bint Iskandar

  • Sacrifice for a noble cause, wisdom = Bin Yamen Hadi


  • Deen's death could have been handled better. The way he was shot with an arrow just in the beginning literally hurt me. I mean his emotions for Zafira were worth somewhat a heroic death.

  • I was caught off guard by a couple of scenes. The sort of scenes that I hadn't expected from this book.

  • The Magic system was not well developed.

  • Many threads were left slack for most of the book. As for how the "six sisters" disappeared, it was left untold.

  • The length.


Honestly, I'm kinda ambivalent about this book. It didn’t meet my very high expectations.

It might appear that my review is negative, but it's not. While I hugely enjoyed this story, I couldn't close my eyes to certain things that bothered me.

You may, however, take a look at this fascinating read.

Your opinion is valuable to me.


If you have already read the book, let me know how you found it? Do you agree with me?

Want more book reviews from this bookaholic :)?

Give your valuable feedback in the comment section below!

Until the next post, keep reading good books <3

Jazakumullahu Khayran.



  1. Amazing review ๐Ÿ˜
    I would like to read more of your book reviews sis

  2. I would like to read more of up your book ......inshallah๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ❤❤❤๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ

  3. Ooh ๐Ÿค
    I used to read a lot fiction before, I don't anymore, though... And I have read this book (unfortunately-)!

    Well, sister Hafsah Faisal's writing is truly a gem, mashaAllah ๐Ÿ’™ and being a fan of beautiful prose, I fell in love with the quotes and the way nature (and basically everything) was described.

    But despite the good in this book, I really wouldn't recommend it to anyone. At all. Because of the romance. Plus, the scenes were too-
    Which is sad, because I would have loved to "love" this book. But, no... :shrugs:

    Lana was a sweetheart! And Altair was just *smh*
    And the arabic ✨
    Enjoyed reading this and I agree with you on a lot of things ๐ŸŒน

    Asalamu 'alaikum!
    Your sister in Islam <3


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